Contact us
In case of malfunction please contact us first to review what to do next.

Send unit
Please send us the tool in its transport case on your own account.

Service adress
TKR Spezialwerkzeuge GmbH
Am Waldesrand 9-11
D-58285 Gevelsberg (Germany)

+49 2332 66607-72
+49 2332 66607-90

The tool will be checked by us to find out the case of damage. Equipment which is not damaged by owners faults will be repaired gratis during 12 months. If the equipment is beyond the guaantee period or if it is damaged by faulty handling the customer will be informed. The reparation takes place after release of cost etimate. The average repair time is one working day.

Return shipment
The repaired tool wil be send back to you free of shipping costs in its transport case.